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Top 5 Features of Etable

Top 5 features of Etable

Etable is a restaurant application that offers features for both restaurant owners and their customers. In this blog, we will discuss the top 5 features of Etable that will help restaurant owners attract customers to their tables.

  1. QR code scanner 
  2. Digital Token 
  3. Order from waiting room 
  4. Call the waiter
  5. Reserve a table


1. QR code scanner 

The first feature is the QR code scanner. Etable allows restaurant owners to upload their menus onto the app, complete with photos, names, descriptions, availability timings, and prices for each dish. Once set up, QR codes are provided for each table. Customers can scan the QR code and view the complete menu, add dishes to their cart, place orders online, and pay online.

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2. Digital Token 

The second feature is the digital token. During busy periods, it can be challenging to handle crowds and manage a restaurant at the same time. Etable offers digital tokens to customers who are waiting in the lounge. When they enter the restaurant, they can scan the QR code, and if all tables are occupied, they will be notified and directed to request a token. They need to enter the total number of people in their party, and once they receive their token, they can wait in the lounge until a table becomes available.

3. Order from waiting lounge  

The third feature is ordering from the waiting room. Customers waiting for a table can also place an order through the app and select the advance payment option. This allows them to start eating as soon as they are seated.

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4. Call the waiter

The fourth feature is the “Call the Waiter” option. If a customer needs assistance, they can select this option, and a notification will be sent to the waiter’s dashboard. Waiters can respond immediately and provide additional hospitality to customers.

5. Reserve a table

Finally, Etable allows customers to reserve tables beforehand. Customers can enter the number of people, date, and time they wish to reserve a table, which can be a significant advantage for busy restaurants. They no longer need to wait in the lounge for an extended period.

In conclusion, Etable offers unique features to restaurant owners that can help them manage their operations and provide excellent customer service. From a QR code scanner to digital tokens, ordering from the waiting room, calling the waiter, and reserving a table, Etable provides a complete package to meet the needs of restaurant owners and their customers. 

So, these are the top 5 unique features of Etable. Let us know which one you like the most. And to know more about Etable check out our blogs on 

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